United Way of Trumbull County
295 Harmon Ave. NW
Warren, OH 44483
Phone: 330-369-1000
Fax: 330-369-5555
Read Across America - A Read 4 Fun event
- February 28, 2020
As part of our Read 4 Fun program and in celebration of Read Across America and Dr. Seuss's Birthday, United Way of Trumbull County is seeking Volunteer Readers from in the community to join us on Friday, February 28th. On this day, we will visit 19 participating school districts throughout the county to provide K-2 students with an enjoyable, interactive classroom reading experience. This one-hour volunteer opportunity helps the community UNITE to increase the number of students reading at grade level by the third grade.
The participating school buildings include the following:
Badger Elementary (Joseph-Badger)
Bascom Elementary (LaBrae)
E.J. Blott Elementary (Liberty)
Bristol Elementary School
Brookfield Elementary
Champion Central Elementary
Currie Elementary (Mathews)
Hubbard Elementary
Howland Glen Primary
Lakeview Elementary
Lordstown Elementary
Maplewood Elementary
Mesopotamia Elementary (Bloomfield-Mespo)
Newton Falls Elementary
Niles Primary
Roosevelt Elementary (McDonald)
Seaborn Elementary (Weathersfield)
Southington Elementary
Warren City Schools:
(All four buildings are filled.)
Jefferson PK-8
Lincoln PK-8
McGuffey PK-8
Willard PK-8
A "Tips & Tricks" reading instruction is offered to all volunteer readers and will be held Thursday, February 20th at 5 pm at the United Way of Trumbull County offices located at 3601 Youngstown Road, SE, in Warren. The selected books, your confirmed reading schedule and visitor and parking instructions for your assigned building will be available to be picked up at this time. If you are unable to attend the "Tips & Tricks" reading instruction, please call us to make other arrangements to pick up your materials.
To learn more about our Reading Great by 8 Early Literacy Initiative, CLICK HERE.

Our last years volunteer readers included retirees and employees from local area businesses and organizations as well as business and government leaders from the following locations: Albert Guarnieri & Co, Anderson Dubose, Arconic, Ashtabula County Sheriff's Department, Chemical Bank, City of Warren, Community Foundation of Mahoning Valley, Cortland Bank, Edward Jones, Farmers National Bank, First National Bank, Home Savings, Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt, Huntington National Bank, Kent State University at Trumbull, Kiwanis Club of Niles, Mahoning Valley Scrapers, McKinley Memorial Library, Mercy Health; Middlefiled Bank, Niles City Schools Board of Education, Niles Retired Teachers, Ohio Edison/First Energy, Paige & Byrnes, SCOPE of Warren, John Campolito Jr. State Farm Insurance Agent, State Representative Glenn Holmes,State Representative Michael O’Brien, Supportive Services for Veteran Families, TCAP, Trumbull County Detention Center, Trumbull County Mental Health and Recovery Board, Trumbull County Sheriff's Department, Trumbull Family Fitness, Trumbull Neighborhood Partnership, WFMJ, and Warren Junior Women’s League.