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SingleCare FREE Prescription
Discount Card
United Way of Trumbull County is proud to
support the SingleCare program.
SingleCare Card.png

To print registration and sponsorship form, CLICK HERE.

SingleCare pharmacy savings cards are provided free of charge to people with no or limited prescription drug coverage. There is no cost to you or your family for this discount card and there are no enrollment or eligibility requirements. Take your prescription card to participating pharmacies for discounts on all FDA approved medicines or look up your discount HERE or on the app below.

Get the card FREE - available in three ways

 1. Print your card from

 2. Download the SingleCare app on your smartphone

 3. Call SingleCare at 800-960-6918 to have a card mailed to you


Top Drugs - click and see how it works!
ADVOCATE this Program to your family, friends, neighbors and employees

If you are part of an organization or company that can help us distribute a large number of cards to your employees, members, or clients, please contact our office to help increase access to healthcare in our community.  You can help someone with their finances simply by printing SingleCare cards and giving them to your friends, neighbors and co-workers or just by handing a card to someone in line at the pharmacy or supermarket.

Local Pharmacy Network


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