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Read 4 Fun Volunteer Read-Aloud Registration 

As part of our Reading Great by 8 Early Literacy Initiative, United Way of Trumbull County invites you to become a Read 4 Fun Volunteer Read-Aloud Reader for students in grades K-2.  


This exciting new volunteer opportunity can be done from the safety of your home, office or back yard all while practicing social distancing and sharing your love for reading with young students. When you're a Read 4 Fun Volunteer Read Aloud Reader, you are helping to provide families with K-2 students access to entertaining, education-based fun while schools are closed.  

Our online registration form is available at the end of this page.  Prior to your registration, please read all instructions carefully.  If you have any questions, please direct an email to Cindy Rogers at  

Read 4 Fun logo.jpg


  • As students moved to remote learning, many were concerned and wondered about reading books aloud online and possibly violating copyright laws. In response, due to the Corona-virus pandemic, many children's book publishers created temporarily guidelines and altered policies that are effective through December 31, 2021.  Book publishers include Abrams, Amazon Publishing, Brown Young Readers, Candlewick, Choose Your Own Adventure, Chronicle Kids, Crabtree Publishing, Disney Publishing Worldwide, HMH, Harper Collins Children's Books, Holiday House, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Lee and Low, Lerner, Little, Macmillan, Peachtree, Penguin Random House, Scholastic, and many others. 

  • If you are uncertain if the book that you have selected falls under the permission guidelines, simply email Cindy Rogers at the title of the book and the publisher's name.  She will help verify permission guidelines for you.


  • Preview the Book:  Your story-time will be much richer if you have read the book at least once before videoing. This will also ensure that there are no "surprises" that might trip you up as you read aloud.

  • Share Your Why:  Prepare to introduce yourself at the start of the video and please announce that you are a volunteer reader for United Way of Trumbull County's Read 4 Fun program.  Feel free to announce the city, township and/or company you are representing during your introduction.

  • Introduce the Book:  Start your reading with “Read by permission from the name of the publisher” and be sure to state the name of the author and illustrator.  This not only meets the temporary guidelines but also helps to reinforce the concept that people not only write, but also draw pictures for books.


  • How You Hold the Book:  Children need to see the illustrations, so be sure that the book is wide open and held to your side so that you can read the story and share the illustrations at the same time.

  • Help Students "See" the Story: Children who are attentive to the visual details of a book are learning how to use visual clues to understand words and sentences. Point out details in illustrations and characterizations to help children become keen observers.  ​Dramatic and fun sound effects, hand motions, facial expressions, and changes in your voice tone invite children to become a part of the story with you.

  • Involve Your Listeners:  Give the students a line to repeat, a hand motion, or a sound effect that they can do at home. This will make them feel as if they are actually in the room with you.​

  • Invite the Students to Use Their Senses:  Help students imagine not only the sights in a story but the sounds, smells, tastes, physical sensations, and emotions. Periodically, stop and ask children to pretend to use their senses to explore a part of the story: "Can you pretend to pet the puppy? How does the puppy feel? What do you think the character's hear? What do they smell?"​

  • Have Fun: Enjoy this virtual experience of connecting with young readers and have fun reading aloud!


  • Choose a well-lit and comfy read-aloud area. Natural light from a window works best when creating a video!

  • Choose a quiet location with limited background noise (family members, pets, lawn mowers, traffic, etc.) and distractions.​

  • Prop your phone against something sturdy (to reduce camera movement) or use a tripod.

  • Ideally, your video should last between 5 to15 minutes.


  • When you have finished recording your video, please upload it to Google Drive and email the Google drive link to Cindy Rogers at  

  • Videos will be deleted and access disabled within the temporary permission guidelines of the individual publisher. 

Many thanks for your participation and

for continuing to encourage students to Read 4 Fun!

We will notify you when your video is published. 

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